The Red-Footed Tortoise
Learning through observing the behavior of another individual is adaptive, as it provides a shortcut to finding a solution, and so avoids the costly process of trial and error learning.

The Torch of Freedom
Bernays was seized with the idea that the hidden forces acting within individuals, and more important, within crowds of them, could be hijacked.

Books and Museums
Is knowledge important? Cultural knowledge lies at the very center of one of the most notorious geopolitical disputes of the last century.

They Knew What to Do
They survived because they had the knowledge that had been handed down to them through generations past.

Seems Correct to Me
We get an independent standard only if we bring in continuous interaction among individuals, that is, if we bring in the community.

Tuning Our Clocks
People move about and live their lives within social contexts and institutions, not as lone individuals—not ever as lone individuals.

Supine Deference
A culture in which individual judgement is largely suspended is corrupt. But the cure for this malady is not conceptual revision. The concept of knowledge is what it is come what may, and it is indispensable.

Why Must We Tell?
Each of us can benefit from observations and discoveries made by other people and we can share information to our mutual advantage.

Epistemically Prior to the Individual
The sharing of knowledge creates a new subject of knowledge: the community.

Are you looking for trouble
The social constitution of knowledge reveals itself beautifully, and, to all of us, obviously.

Quinian Bootstrapping
Creating placeholder structures—knowing without understanding—is central to all conceptual change.

Placeholder Structures
Initial learning of new facts, by necessity, must be formulated in terms of the available conceptual repertoire, or they must be represented as placeholder structures, not yet interpreted in terms of available concepts.

The One Doing the Learning
Why is it that those who are regarded as having the most compassion in education say stupid, insensitive things like "the one doing the talking is the one doing the learning"?

To Be Believed as a Person
Beyond its epistemic function of making knowledge available to the recipient, testimony is intimately tied to human sociality.

Trust Games
Without explanatory bootstrapping, we would not be able to establish many adaptive prior beliefs, especially those that are complex or abstract.

Mathematics Learning Is Not Special
We may treat mathematics too specially, as being unnecessarily privileged compared to other academic disciplines or ways of knowing.

The Force for Trust
It's not a bad thing to accept information from others without personally vetting it or critiquing it; in fact, we really couldn't live without doing so.

Intellectual Self-Reliance
How is it possible that each person's own faculties are more trustworthy than the faculties of any other person?

Taking Others at Their Word
Unless testimony is a good source of knowledge none of us knows hardly anything.